Choices Facing the Jamaican Government to get the economy on track Your Financial FactSheet 16 years ago Jamaica Observer: “Choices Facing the Jamaican Government to get the economy on track” One cannot stress enough the importance of avoiding a rating downgrade to CCC given the likely adverse consequences on the economy over a prolonged period. Having established that a credible budget is a first-order priority we concluded that Jamaica has no choice but to reduce expenditures. Jamaica Observer: “Tax As a Developmental Tool” The budget debate is currently underway, and as I write this the prime minister and Opposition leader have not yet made their contribution, and the minister of finance is to deliver his closing address. Jamaica Observer: “Fed sees signs recession may be easing” The Federal Reserve said Wednesday it sees signs the recession is easing and that the US economic outlook has “improved modestly” since last month. Against that backdrop, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues left a key interest rate at a record low of between zero and 0.25 per cent, and decided against taking any new steps to shore up the economy.