Confidence on the uptick – Companies believe worst of recession over Your Financial FactSheet 16 years ago Jamaica Gleaner: “Confidence on the uptick – Companies believe worst of recession over – But Curtin has doubts” Business confidence in the second quarter has recovered from its all-time low, but though up by 22 per cent over the first quarter is still at its third-lowest point in the past two years of the survey, at 92.7 points. Jamaica Observer: “The primary problem” The Government had to undertake significant fiscal manoeuvring in the month of May as it didn’t earn enough to pay its workers while meeting its other non-debt obligations. Jamaica Observer: “IMF left Jamaicans with a bad taste” In 1977 Jamaica entered into a borrowing relationship with the International Monetary Fund for the first time. This led to tremendous controversy with the Michael Manley regime and has left a bitter taste in the mouth of Jamaicans.