Standard & Poor’s Upgrades Jamaica’s Credit Rating
Rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has raised Jamaica’s foreign currency sovereign credit rating from CCC-plus to B-minus.
How discipline, clarity and trust can turn around Ja
How discipline, clarity and trust can turn around Ja
In his presentation as keynote speaker for the PSOJ economic seminar last Thursday, international economist Dr Peter Blair Henry summarised the three key lessons of his book Turnaround — Third world lessons for first world growth for advanced economies, namely the need for discipline, clarity and trust, which he clearly believes also apply to his native Jamaica.
What is really wrong with the Jamaican economy — Part 4
What is really wrong with the Jamaican economy — Part 4
LAST year, in response to a Bloomberg article about a comment by Prime Minister Simpson Miller, I wrote an article saying that Jamaica is not Greece, and as a follow up, corrected some factual errors in a Chicago Tribune article calling Jamaica the Greece of the Western Hemisphere in January.
Whither Jamaica’s interest and exchange rates?
Whither Jamaica’s interest and exchange rates?
Last Week, we addressed the uncertainty surrounding the direction of the US monetary policy. Pundits on either side are busy lobbying, modelling and hypothesizing the US Federal Reserve’s next move.