Jamaican Economy Still Developing
Jamaica Gleaner: AS WE approach Emancipation Day and Independence Day, we all must agree that despite the challenges we face, Jamaica has achieved a lot.
Jamaica’s IMF Facility Necessary Step, but Risks Persist
Jamaica’s IMF Facility Necessary Step, but Risks Persist
Fitch Ratings-Chicago-02 May 2013: Final approval of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) four-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Jamaica represents a necessary step in the country’s efforts to stabilize domestic confidence, manage external vulnerabilities and increase the sustainability of public finances. However, Fitch Ratings believes that implementation risks are high given the program’s demanding targets and Jamaica’s erratic record in completing previous IMF programs.
IMF Deal Approved
Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips, announced a short while ago that Jamaica’s application for a four-year Extended Fund Facility with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been approved in the amount of SDR615.4 million or approximately US$932.3 million.
IMF Says JMD More Competitive After Depreciation
IMF Says JMD More Competitive After Depreciation
The value of the Jamaican currency has fallen by more than seven dollars year to date. This will help stimulate exports and regain lost competitiveness, International Monetary Fund (IMF) director Gian Maria Miles-Ferretti argued last week.