How the BOJ talked big and produced little – Pt I Posted on March 13, 2009March 17, 2009 by Your Financial FactSheet Jamaica Gleaner: “How the BOJ talked big and produced little – Pt I” In response to the current global financial crisis, governments around the world have, and are, putting in place both fiscal and monetary stimuli to mitigate the impact on their respective economies. In Jamaica, our Government has recently announced, and implemented, several fiscal measures in this regard. Jamaica Observer: “Should Jamaica Continue to Place Faith in the Credit Rating Agencies?” Earlier this month Moody’s Investors Services downgraded foreign and local currency ratings on Jamaica’s government bonds, citing the deteriorations in the country’s fiscal and debt positions amid the global crisis. The news of the downgrade was met largely with indifference in Jamaica because it was generally expected. Jamaica Observer: “World Bank Crisis Reveals Growing Finance Gaps for Caribbean Countries” Developing countries like those in the Caribbean face a financing shortfall of US$270-700 billion this year, as private sector creditors shun emerging markets, and only one quarter of the most vulnerable countries have the resources to prevent a rise in poverty, the World Bank has said. Jamaica Observer: “Modern-day depression could further reduce US and Jamaica stock markets” Just over three months ago, in a December 7th article in the Sunday Observer entitled “How will the worst US recession since World War II affect Jamaica and your investments?”