Jamaica Gleaner: “S&P downgrades credit card receivables, Air Jamaica, NCB”
INTERNATIONAL RATING agency Standard & Poor’s has followed its November 2 downgrade of Jamaica’s long-term sovereign credit from CCC+ to CCC with parallel markdowns of the island’s credit card merchant voucher receivables, as well as the long-term corporate credit ratings for national carrier Air Jamaica and the National Commercial Bank of Jamaica (NCB).
Jamaica Observer: “The importance of that IMF money”
With the Government coming under increasing pressure with both its fiscal accounts and balance of payments out of line, consumer confidence down and the country facing a winter of discontent, it is paramount that the US$1.2 billion standby arrangement with the IMF be agreed before the year is ended.
Jamaica Observer: “Jamaica deserves cheap money”
It is unfortunate that some of our more vocal analysts seem to regard our most recent downgrade as a government management issue.
Jamaica Observer: “Jamaica’s productivity is the lowest in the Caribbean”
It may take another 40 years before Jamaica’s productivity increases to the level of its Caribbean neighbours.
Jamaica Observer: “Wehby calls for major changes to be made at BOJ”
Don Wehby has called for major changes to be made to the operations of the Central Bank.